Curriculum Vitae

After his studies of PE and French at the Universities of Aachen/Germany and Rennes/France from 1969 to 1974 he worked in research projects at the German Sports University in Cologne/Germany. After his exams as a high school teacher and his doctorate in education he taught from 1979-1983 as an assistant professor at the University of Bonn/Germany. In 1983 he got a one year scholarship for extended research in dance/movement therapy in Los Angeles/USA. 1984 he became a full professor for Adapted Physical Activity (psychomotricity,motology) at the Philipps-University in Marburg/Germany. From 1993 to 2011 he taught as a full professor for ’Movement education and Movement therapy in Adapted Physical Activity and Rehabilitation’ at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of the university of Dortmund/Germany. Being an approved child analyst he additionally was responsible in a team for the university day clinic and research unit for movement and language disorders, emotional problems of children with handicaps and facilitated communication. G.H.s research projects and his more than 150 publications (books, attribution to books and journals, films, book reviews) refer mainly on the conceptualization of movement education and movement therapy for a wide range of clients. A special focus is laid upon the empirical investigation of possible effects. G.H. works until nowadays nationwide and internationally as a counselor and expert in different settings.